CU Students:

The Law Office of Michael I. Cohen

University student criminal defense is often times complicated by the tenuous relationship between the courts and criminal proceedings and with disciplinary proceedings at the university. Infractions of the student conduct code at the University of Colorado will be met with swift action from the university. Due to a high degree of communication between the local police and the CU office of student conduct, often times violations of the student conduct code will result in formal criminal charges being brought against the student. Further, any arrest or citation received either on or off campus will likely be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and disciplinary proceedings may be instituted.

A criminal conviction for any offense can have serious consequences on a student’s future. A conviction could result in the student’s suspension or expulsion from the University. Additionally, employers and graduate school admissions offices are able to access criminal records, potentially resulting in fewer career and educational opportunities.

At the Law Office of Michael Cohen P.C., a significant number of cases we handle involve the criminal defense of students attending the University of Colorado. While handling student cases, Mr. Cohen ensures that both students and parents fully understand the potential consequences of an offense and the full range of legal options available to them. Mr. Cohen has an extensive track record of success in all areas of criminal defense and in the handling of criminal cases through the University’s Office of Student Conduct.

Common charges brought against students include:

  • Minor in Possession
  • False Identification
  • Criminal Mischief
  • Sexual Assault
  • Assault